Saturday, 31 March 2012

Real time-updates Sat 31.3. afternoon utc

Finland, Southwest (Rick, Rick's blog)
My saturday HF-log:
9860LSB R. Tropiq 18.10- 45444 mx
11450LSB R. Tropiq 15.59- 45444 mx
15000 R. Mustang 11.17- 45444 E
15005 R. Trans Europe 07.57- 35333 E
15008,1 R. Trans Europe 08.15-, 14.14- 35333 E
15020 R. Mustang 07.32- 45444 E
15020 R. Tidalwave & Mustang 14.15- 45444 E, later only Mustang IDs
15020 unid 14.15- 45433 E
15020,1 Trans Europe Radio 11.24- 44433 E
15029 R. Paranoid 13.10- 45333 E
15030 R. Paranoid 09.40-10.00*, 11.40- 45333 E
15055 R. Latino (tent.) 10.25- 15321 only visible
15055USB R. Tropiq 15.05- 33333 E
15060 R. Scotland Int. 07.59-, 14.10- 45444 E
15060,1 R. Trans Europe 13.04-, 15.48- 45333 E
15070,3 Cupid Radio 15.27- 45322 E
15070,3 Balkan Radio Int. 17.09- 45333 E, via Cupid
15080,1 R. Trans Europe 08.50- 45333 E
15845USB R. Spaceshuttle Int. 06,58- 25311 E
15850USB R. Underground 12.55-, 14.43- 35343 E
16795 Free Radio Victoria 14.09-, 16.20- 45433 E
18950LSB BSR 13.44- 25332 E
21485USB BSR 08.08- 25232 E
21485LSB BSR 08.30-, 11.20- 25332 E

France, West (Ray Lalleu)

6920 L . . 0710-0730 . . BALTIC SEA R.
15030,1 . . 0837-0907 . . R.LATINO
15845 U . . 0907-0915 . . SPACESHUTTLE R.
also traces on 15080 and 15060 (this one up to buzz at last check). Good listening, Ray

Greece, Thessaloniki
Most of the stations were received in Greece by Zacharias. Loggings coming later.

Ukraine, Lviv (Ihor)
Hello! It seems that only 19 m.b. had worked ok during first HF Pirates Weekend. Here are my log:
0723 15020 Radio Mustang 35222
1116 15000 Radio Mustang 45344
1418 15020 Radio Mustang 45444
1449 15060 Radio Scotland Intl 35222
1558 15070 Cupid Radio 34333
1658 15070 Cupid Radio relaying Balkan Radio Intl 33232
Ihor from Lviv, Ukraine 73's!

Ukraine, Kiev (Alexandr)
Hello! Logs from Kiev - Ukraine:
07.39 - 15020,0 - Mustang Radio - 45544
07.42 - 15845,0 - Radio Spaceshuttle Int'l - 35543
07.47 - 6920L - Baltic Sea Radio (tent., not sure) - 25422
07.50 - 15845U - Radio Spaceshuttle Int'l - 45433
07.59 - 15060,0 - Radio Scotland Int'l - 45433
08.06 - 15005,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 44433
08.15 - 15008,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 35433
08.51 - 15080,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 45433
09.41 - 15030,0 - Radio Paranoid - 45444
10.10 - 15055,0 - Radio Latino - 35433
13.11 - 15029,0 - Radio Paranoid - 45434
13.15 - 15060,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 34433
14.00 - 15058U - Radio Fox 48 (tent.) - 23432
14.11 - 15008,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 34433
14.13 - 15060,0 - Radio Scotland International - 44444
14.21 - 15020,0 - Mustang Radio - 55545
14.37 - 16795,0 - Free Radio Victoria (very tent., not sure) - 25422
14.52 - 15850U - Radio Underground - 35422
15.11 - 21490U - Radio Underground - 35423
15.17 (approx.) - 15055,5S - Radio Tropiq (tent.) - 25422
15.28 - 15070,3 - Cupid Radio - 44433
15.53 - 15060,1 - Radio Trans Europe - 35443
15.56 - 15030U - UNID - 44434 - Blue System, 16.03 - Song by Ukrainian singer Ruslana
16.00 - 11450L - Radio Tropiq - 45444
16.52 - 15070,3 - Balkan Radio International (via Cupid Radio) - 44433 - 55444

I will publish audio clips later on my website Alexandr ULX2.

(Patric Robic)
"Hi Harri! In southeast Austria only Radio Spaceshuttle 15845 kHz and Radio Tropiq 11450 kHz were audible today." 73, Patrick , Austria

Radio Tropiq
heard in SW Finland on 11.450 MHz and 15.055 MHz in the afternoon.

France, South
(Philippe, near Spain border)
"Iam SWL in south part of France border Spain. I go sometime to your internet blog i like also listen the pirates stations today I listened the HF week end with my receiver YASEU FRG 8800 + FRT 7700and my antena long wire 5m external. i have this :

15845 RADIO SPACESHUTTLE 31/03/2012 07:58 USB 33333(PG)
15060 RADIO SCOTLAND 31/03/2012 08:01 AM 44333 (PG)
15020 Radio Mustang ? 31/03/2012 08:22 AM 44344 (PG)
15060 RADIO SCOTLAND 31/03/2012 14:13 AM 44333 (PG)
15020 Radio Mustang 31/03/2012 14:17 AM 43323 (PG)
15070 Cupid Radio 31/03/2012 16:04 AM 43223 (PG)
11450 Tropiq Radio 31/03/2012 16:19 LSB 23332 (PG) - - - Philippe - - -

Uzbekistan (Uzbekdx)
"Today in Uzbekistan I heared in Tashkent only Spaceshuttle on 15845 khz with a very good signal!Listen Show from 07:51 to 12:02 by UTC.
I note very good propagation on 21 and 28 Mhz but no station can heard in my location.
Thank you for good Saturday Pirates HF Weekend!"

Russia, Valdivosktok (Oleg)
"15092 AM, Radio Scotland, SINPO-34333 - later 15060 khz -+ possiblyMustang on 15019.94 khz - SINPO 25232" Oleg

Bulgaria logs
Mustang, Scotland, Paranoid, Trans Europe
and Spaceshuttle heard in Bulgaria with nice signals!

Message from Japan (Shimane)
"HI I just listening 15060 (Scotland) &15020kHz (Mustang) !@1420UTC
Not so strong but audible!!" DFS@Shimane JAPAN

15092 USB for Fox 48 is a very bad idea. R. Free Afghanistan on 15090 kill it absofuckinlutely(((...

Rdio Underground
on 15.850 MHz usb Closed down at 15.00. Good signal in Finland!!
Free Radio Vicoria
on air on 16.795 MHz (14.55 utc). Good signal in Finland!
Trans Europe Radio
now on air on 15.008 MHz (14.50 utc) Good sigal in Finland
Rdio Scotland
now on air on 15.060 MHz (14.53 utc). Huge signal in Finland!

USA, New York
Thanks for organizing another Pirate Radio Weekend, Harri. Radio Space
Shuttle was heard well today on 15845 kHz from t/in at 1055 UTC. And
they are still being heard at 1255. Here is an audio clip from 1200 UTC:


Anonymous said...

From Zacharias Greece
Please allow me 2 days to post all the material via my page : Big listing of logs together with audio and videos files .
IN the meantime notice that most stations have been RXed here in Greece with good signals .One of the best was Tropiq with S10 on 11450L who closed 1436Z !! (ths comes with video)

Anonymous said...

+ UNID on 9860U (Radio Tropiq ?) - 17.25 - 45444

Alexandr ULX2

Ihor said...

Hello! It seems that only 19 m.b. had worked ok during first HF Pirates Weekend. Here are my log:

0723 15020 Radio Mustang 35222
1116 15000 Radio Mustang 45344
1418 15020 Radio Mustang 45444
1449 15060 Radio Scotland Intl 35222
1558 15070 Cupid Radio 34333
1658 15070 Cupid Radio relaying Balkan Radio Intl 33232

Ihor from Lviv, Ukraine

Rick said...

My saturday HF-log:
9860LSB R. Tropiq 18.10- 45444 mx
11450LSB R. Tropiq 15.59- 45444 mx
15000 R. Mustang 11.17- 45444 E
15005 R. Trans Europe 07.57- 35333 E
15008,1 R. Trans Europe 08.15-, 14.14- 35333 E
15020 R. Mustang 07.32- 45444 E
15020 R. Tidalwave & Mustang 14.15- 45444 E, later only Mustang IDs
15020 unid 14.15- 45433 E
15020,1 Trans Europe Radio 11.24- 44433 E
15029 R. Paranoid 13.10- 45333 E
15030 R. Paranoid 09.40-10.00*, 11.40- 45333 E
15055 R. Latino (tent.) 10.25- 15321 only visible
15055USB R. Tropiq 15.05- 33333 E
15060 R. Scotland Int. 07.59-, 14.10- 45444 E
15060,1 R. Trans Europe 13.04-, 15.48- 45333 E
15070,3 Cupid Radio 15.27- 45322 E
15070,3 Balkan Radio Int. 17.09- 45333 E, via Cupid
15080,1 R. Trans Europe 08.50- 45333 E
15845USB R. Spaceshuttle Int. 06,58- 25311 E
15850USB R. Underground 12.55-, 14.43- 35343 E
16795 Free Radio Victoria 14.09-, 16.20- 45433 E
18950LSB BSR 13.44- 25332 E
21485USB BSR 08.08- 25232 E
21485LSB BSR 08.30-, 11.20- 25332 E

DFS said...

I got some stations last night.
See below:

Radio Spaceshuttle
Baltic Sea Radio
Mustang Radio (Strong!!)
Radio Scotland Int.
15030kHz UNID
Radio TropiQ
Cupid Radio
Radio Trans Europe presumed

I hope I get more later!Thanks all pirates stations!


Vitaliy L.D. said...

First log for today - 1 April
15015 - Radio Latino, 07:06 weak signal 25432

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Hello again
the big comment posting on 1.4 is mine. Listing has been also uploaded on my site
but you can find a complete recording file listing on mediafire

Zacharias from Greece I am sorry to do this so fast but many other tasks expect me to prepare (bit typing material at least!)