A few weeks ago I got a few 30 years old transmitter-photos from Emmen-city from East-Holland.
Radio Casablanca was on the air in Emmen on Medium Wave since 1976. Here you can see that old stuff. The power of this 304tl-transmitter is about 600 Watts. Click the photos >>
I have not heard this station but many others at that time from this same area.
30 years ago there were thousands of pirate stations in Holland on MW and FM. I heard many of them and here is my old list of identified Dutch MW pirate stations.
Sunday 15 February 2009
Friday 6 February 2009
Snowball observations 6.2.2009 - 20.00 utc >
Radio Snowball from Stavropol, Russia is giving better signal this evening than week ago!!
Russian rap-music and announcements in English on 6630 kHz!
My mp3-clip at 20.12 utc. Deep fading.
Other observations:
South Sweden (Göran Hardenmark) Listen mp3 (later) (www)
Holland (Black Arrow) - Listen mp3 - Good signal, O=3
Germany (Achim) - Listen mp3 - Weak, O=1 (www)
Germany (Dr. Tim) - Chatting while broadcast
Poland (Warszava, Kristof) - Listen mp3 - Fair signal (www)
Finland (Raisio, Rick) - Listen mp3 - Weak signal (www)
Finland (Pietarsaari, Jan) - Listen Wma - Fair signal
North Finland (Close to Rovaniemi) - Comment below
USA (West Virginia, Alex) - Comment below
EVEN WEAK SIGNAL USA!!!! Not expected!
Russian rap-music and announcements in English on 6630 kHz!
My mp3-clip at 20.12 utc. Deep fading.
Other observations:
South Sweden (Göran Hardenmark) Listen mp3 (later) (www)
Holland (Black Arrow) - Listen mp3 - Good signal, O=3
Germany (Achim) - Listen mp3 - Weak, O=1 (www)
Germany (Dr. Tim) - Chatting while broadcast
Poland (Warszava, Kristof) - Listen mp3 - Fair signal (www)
Finland (Raisio, Rick) - Listen mp3 - Weak signal (www)
Finland (Pietarsaari, Jan) - Listen Wma - Fair signal
North Finland (Close to Rovaniemi) - Comment below
USA (West Virginia, Alex) - Comment below
EVEN WEAK SIGNAL USA!!!! Not expected!
Wednesday 4 February 2009
Radio Snowball on air Friday 6.2.2009 at 20-21 UTC
Russian pirate station, Radio Snowball (=Radio Snegovik), from Stavropol-city, SW Russia will have test broadcast to Europe on this Friday evening!
Radio Snowball will broadcast music for one hour on 6630 kHz on Friday 6th February 2009 from 20.00 to 21.00 UTC. Power is 50 Watts in USB.
Radio Snowball will broadcast music for one hour on 6630 kHz on Friday 6th February 2009 from 20.00 to 21.00 UTC. Power is 50 Watts in USB.
This station was heard in Finland on 31.1.2009 on this same channel.
At the moment there is no public e-mail or contact address to the station!
YOU CAN GIVE YOUR REPORTS VIA THIS BLOG BY GIVING COMMENT to this message (Comment-button below) - or e-mail to my personal e-mail address!
At the moment there is no public e-mail or contact address to the station!
YOU CAN GIVE YOUR REPORTS VIA THIS BLOG BY GIVING COMMENT to this message (Comment-button below) - or e-mail to my personal e-mail address!
Sunday 1 February 2009
Radio Snegovik (Snowball), Stavropol, Russia!
After few weeks I did some DX-ing this weekend.
I had e-mail contact from far away SW Russia, from Stavropol. The operator of Radio Snegovik (=Snowball) found my pages and wanted to test signal to Finland. Stavropol is about 200 km north from Georgian border close to Black Sea. Click the map >>>
On 31.1. Saturday evening at 20.15 utc I was surprised to hear weak USB signal on 6630 kHz with Russian music and station announcements: "This is radio station Snowball, Snowball, Snowball...." (mp3-clip).
The operator promised to mail QSL of this reception.
Radio Snowball is also interested in to make international broadcast later with many hours programme around 6630 kHz. I will inform you all via Dr. Tim post if this will happen!!
LOG SUNDAY 1.2.2009
5800 kHz - Shortwave Cowboys (tent). Only music heard but this was on air here. 09.45- O=0-2+
6205 kHz - DRP playing Queen "We are the champions"and later "Voyage,Voyage"-title. 10.10- O=0-2
6210 kHz - Radio Boorderhunter, Holland. Good signal with many greetings to Europe. 10.00- O=2-3+
6215 kHz - King SW, Holland (tent). I have never manage to ID this station but heard many times (6214.8 kHz). 10.15- O=0-1+
6220 kHz - Mystery Radio with good signal. 0950- O=2-4
6240 kHz - Misti Radio. "You are listening to Misti Radio...." Played Janis Joplin's "Me and Bobby McGee" at 10.09- O=0-2+
6270 kHz - Radio Perfekt gave contacts talking over Man of Action. 10.25- O=1-3
6280 kHz - Radio Merlin, UK. 09.30- O=0-2+
6291 kHz - R. Dr. Tim with good signal and clear, readable audio. Mp3. Many greetings to listeners around Europe. New power?? 09.25- O=1-3+
6316 kHz - Radio Contact gave e-mail + sms-number. 09.50- O=1-3
6325 kHz - UNID. Waves? 10.08- O=0-2
6870 kHz - Radio Playback with nice signal. Blues programme. 10.00- O=2-3+
I had e-mail contact from far away SW Russia, from Stavropol. The operator of Radio Snegovik (=Snowball) found my pages and wanted to test signal to Finland. Stavropol is about 200 km north from Georgian border close to Black Sea. Click the map >>>
On 31.1. Saturday evening at 20.15 utc I was surprised to hear weak USB signal on 6630 kHz with Russian music and station announcements: "This is radio station Snowball, Snowball, Snowball...." (mp3-clip).
The operator promised to mail QSL of this reception.
Radio Snowball is also interested in to make international broadcast later with many hours programme around 6630 kHz. I will inform you all via Dr. Tim post if this will happen!!
LOG SUNDAY 1.2.2009
5800 kHz - Shortwave Cowboys (tent). Only music heard but this was on air here. 09.45- O=0-2+
6205 kHz - DRP playing Queen "We are the champions"and later "Voyage,Voyage"-title. 10.10- O=0-2
6210 kHz - Radio Boorderhunter, Holland. Good signal with many greetings to Europe. 10.00- O=2-3+
6215 kHz - King SW, Holland (tent). I have never manage to ID this station but heard many times (6214.8 kHz). 10.15- O=0-1+
6220 kHz - Mystery Radio with good signal. 0950- O=2-4
6240 kHz - Misti Radio. "You are listening to Misti Radio...." Played Janis Joplin's "Me and Bobby McGee" at 10.09- O=0-2+
6270 kHz - Radio Perfekt gave contacts talking over Man of Action. 10.25- O=1-3
6280 kHz - Radio Merlin, UK. 09.30- O=0-2+
6291 kHz - R. Dr. Tim with good signal and clear, readable audio. Mp3. Many greetings to listeners around Europe. New power?? 09.25- O=1-3+
6316 kHz - Radio Contact gave e-mail + sms-number. 09.50- O=1-3
6325 kHz - UNID. Waves? 10.08- O=0-2
6870 kHz - Radio Playback with nice signal. Blues programme. 10.00- O=2-3+
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