Friday 28 October 2011



9 stations (one cancelled) signed up to new Japan Test-Weekend !!
- - - SATURDAY 5.11.2011 and SUNDAY 6.11.2011 - - -

Station - Country - Frequency - Modulation (power)

1) BALTIC SEA RADIO - Scandinavia - 18.950 / 21.550 MHz - LSB (80/200 W)
Saturday and Sunday:
To Japan: 08.00 utc > 21.550 80W-LSB / 10.00 utc 18.950 MHz 200W-LSB
To USA: 14.00 utc > 18.950 kHz 200W-LSB

2) OLD TIME RADIO - Scandinavia - 15.008 MHz - AM (500 W)
Saturday and Sunday
To Japan: 08.00 - 09.00 utc - 15.008 MHz (possibly not Sat morning!)
To USA: 14.00 - 15.00 utc - 15.008 MHz

3) CUPID RADIO - Holland - 15.065 (>15.070) / 21.460 MHz (>21.465) MHz - AM
Saturday: 08.00 - 09.00 utc on 21.460 MHz / + afternoon 15.065 or 21.460 MHz
Sunday morning 07.30 - 09.00 utc on 21.460 MHz

4) XXXXXXX RADIO - USA - above 9 MHz (30 meters) - AM
Exact schedule for Sat and Sun: CANCELLED, tx problems

5) RADIO SCOTLAND - Holland - 15.060 or 15.080 / 15.090 / 15.305 MHz - AM (200 W)
Saturday: (09.00 - 10.00 utc, not 100%) and 14.00 - 15.00 utc
Sunday: 09.00 - 10.00 utc

6) SPACESHUTTLE RADIO - Scandinavia - 21 MHz - AM (50/150 W)
Sunday morning 08.00 utc >>> around 21 MHz (exact freq. given here on Saturday)

7) RADIO BLACK ARROW - Holland - 21.490 MHz - AM (80 Watts)
Sunday morning 08.00 utc >>
Antenna dipole on 14 meters height. Looking for Spain, Finland, Japan and New Zealand.

8) FRS HOLLAND - Holland - 9.300 MHz - AM
Sunday morning at 09.00 - 10.00 utc on 9.300 MHz.

9) RADIO POWERLINER - Holland - 15.065 or 15.807 MHz - AM
Saturday: 09.00 - 10.00 utc and 13.00 - 14.30 utc
Sunday: 09.00 - 10.00 utc and 13.00 - 14.30 uTC
Also a transmission is planned on 17600 kc in the early Sunday morning.

10) RADIO BORDERHUNTER - Holland - about 15.480 MHz (New freq)
Saturday: 15.00 - 16.00 utc
Sunday: 07.00 - 08.00 utc + 10.00 - 11.00 utc / 16.00 - 17.00 utc

11) WR INTERNATIONAL from UK on 12.257 MHz on Sunday from 09.00 utc (AM, 35 watts).
Not participating to the test but they are on the air every Sunday anyway!


Saturday 22 October 2011

10-28 MHz Test-Weekend for pirates 5-6.11.2011

- - - SATURDAY 5.11.2011 and SUNDAY 6.11.2011 - - -

The sun has reactivated F2-layer and higher SW-frequencies are now open daily up to 28 MHz from Europe to USA and Asia (and vice-versa).
It is now time to arrange new test day for pirates to reach other continents on SW. Last time in January 2011 it was succesfull.

Saturday 5.11 and Sunday 6.11.2011
MORNING 07.00 - 11.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan
AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 from Europe to USA

Let's hope this give positive feelings to Japan who has not yet survived from the terrible tsunami. We here in Finland have learned from the media that Japanese ARE extremely persistent and strong people!! Let's hope there is now again many listerners to join this!

But this weekend is for all SW-pirates to reach other continents! I know there are stations also in USA to try to Europe and Japan. Also many stations in Holland, UK and Finland will certainly join this.

I will publish more exact times later (Wintertime-change on 30.10.2011) and also list of the stations (first with XXXX-markings) with times and frequencies.

Contact me asap if you want to join to broadcast.
Let's make this pirate-hobby global again.


Harri Kujala
Naantali (near Turku)
Direct-mail: harriku*** (***=@)