Monday 31 January 2011


Japanese DX-listeners "Shinzo" and "RadioSiesta" monitored pirates in Hokkaido (North Japan) during their weekend-pedition (29-30.1.2011).

They heard Scandinavian Baltic Sea Radio with Delta Flag-antenna on Sunday morning, 29.1.2011 (+ also 30.1) on 14.350 MHz. AUDIO

They also heard some MW-pirates (but I will have their clips later to listen).
There is a big challence to hear MW-pirate from Holland between 1620-1680 kHz!!
(It is possible! In Finnish Lappland DXers have heard dozens of Japanese maritime traffic (Sea) stations with only 50 Watts of power on 1669 kHz!).

Here is a photo of Delta Flag-antenna used in Hokkaido pedition! (A lot of snow, almost like we have in Naantali, SW Finland). Click better view:

Sunday 30 January 2011

Signals in Kiev, Ukraine

Alexandr - ULX2 in Kiev, Ukraine made a few observations on HF-frequencies with nice signals!

He tuned FR Nova, Scotland and Cupid on 19 mb on Sunday 30.1.2011.

His page is Sounds and Pictures from the Air (many audio-clips)

Log and audios from Thessaloniki, Greece

Wellknown DXer Zacharias Liangas made perfect monitoring in Thessaloniki, Greece during the Japan-weekend! He heard many stations.

RX : R 75 ICOM receiver - antennas : 2 x 16 inv V and 16 m horizontal
You can find audio-clips from his AUDIO-PAGE.

14374.7 USB - Shoreline Radio 0804 with old rocks. OM IDed many times on 0805. Again ID on 0817 followed with song from Deep Purple. Signal max S3 15433.

12265 - Space shuttle 0812 with lively music (tango? Waltz? ) Max signal S2 but most time under the local DSL QRN.

15068.4 - F R Nova on 0706 has been heard with old songs and signal S2.
Better on 0822 with signal 15342.

12264.7 - Space Shuttle on was audible after 0838 with S2 level max S3
1-2/5332. Heard a rock song.

15008.9 - Old Time Radio on was very poor on 08xx though several times
could be heard marginally.

15052 - R Scotland on 15052 found on 0757 with a carrier of S3-4 . ON 0802 was airing the song 'call me' of Blondie , then OM with talks calling Japan then with old song "I wonder'. S4 max 25434. The station with the strongest signal.

14350 USB - Baltic Sea Radio on U on 0818 with ID email and talks S0 15332. Best signal using the 16 m horizontal antenna.

15074.9 - Cupid Radio. Duno if he was transmitting for the occasion but he
was quite well audible audible as with the previous tuimes I logged him. He supposedly started on 0900 but i tuned in, on 0912 with ID and old song, and signal level S3 max.


Radio Scotland is received in Japan today!!

Radio Scotland (from Holland) reached Japan today!!

Listener was "Tanukiou" in Kumamoto, South Japan with Sony AN-12 active antenna !

More observations from other Japanese listeners might come tomorrow or later.

Congrats Scotland!!

Here is Tanukiou's page of this reception with audio-clip:

Clear ID at the point 0.47 sec - and after that (length of clip 2.18 min).

Great!! 9080 kilometers distance !
250 Watts power - AM modulation - Dipole 10 meters high.
Here is Youtube-video of Scotland's R&S-transmitter/studio:

DSF-files in Youtube:

From listeners "Shinzo" and "RadioSiesta"). There might be some surprises...?

I got this Special-QSL for Japan Contest from Radio Nova, Holland.
(Add: Nova was not received in Japan. This is sample-QSL for this project)

Now I also got information that "Mike" from Japan heard Cupid Radio (Holland) one year ago on 15.070 MHz, in February 2010. So, this was not the first time for Euro-pirate to reached Japan.
You can find more info of Mike's QSL's (like Euro-pirates WMR from 2005!, Mystery, Strike, Malaisy !!) from his page:


Not good conditions on Sunday

Sunday 30.1.2011 gave us poor conditions on higher frequencies, but of course not much expected at this time of the year.

Japanese are very keen on to hear European pirates because it is real DX-ing (real Distant X-stations)!! We also try to make real-time chatting with them.

Some random HF-results listed:

- Baltic Sea Radio was propably heard again in Japan on Sunday 14.350 MHz USB.

- Radio Spaceshuttle was heard in Europe well.

- Old Time Radio had better Saturday (in USA!) than Sunday.

- Channel Z Radio from USA was well audible in USA and Canada on Saturday evening on 11.428 MHz but no sign in Europe or Japan.

- Radio Waves from France had clear signal in Finland on 11.401 MHz around 09.05 UTC

- Japanese heard weak music-audio on 15.052 MHz (Radio Scotland-frq.). We wait for possible recordings.

- Ukraine: Radio Scotland (Holland), Old Time Radio (Scandinavia, 15.008 MHz) and Radio Nova AM (Holland, 15.050 MHz) was heard in Ukraine with good signals! WEB-LINK

- Free Radio Nova (Holland) was also received in Finland with moderate signal on 15.050 MHz

- Cupid Radio from Holland had big signal in Finland (with deep fading) on 15.075 MHz. Cupid Radio was not listed on the schedule.
Here is my recording of Cupid Radio, 15.075 at 09.36 UTC Audio-clip
Another audio-clip when Cupid is fading out from HiFi to zero (9 kHz bandwidht).


Radio Waves from France 11.401 MHz

French Radio Waves is on the air from 07.45 UTC > on 11.401 MHz !

About Borderhunter:
this morning frequency 15.810 MHz was occupied by Trans World Radio, so it was not possible to hear Borderhunter in Japan. Borderhunter moved 15.260 MHz but I could't pass the info further.
Better luck next time.


Saturday 29 January 2011

Radio Borderhunter 15.810 kHz (Sun 04-05 UTC)

Radio Borderhunter will be on the air in Sunday morning 04-05 UTC on 15.810 MHz!!!!
250 Watts AM. Location is Belgium.

Read the Comments below....


BSR in Japan - OTR in USA!

Baltic Sea Radio was received in Japan today by five listeners!!
Frequency 14.350 MHz USB at 08.00 UTC >>

1) Listener "Hiroo" in Kanawaga heard weak signal, 08.07 UTC Audio
2) Listener "Tuyo" in Shimane-pref. at 08.18 UTC Youtube
3) Listener "Tanukiou" in Kumamoto. Audio
4) Listener "RadioSiesta" in Hokkaido-pedition heard BSR at 08.35 UTC !! Clip later
5) Listener: "Saito" from Maebashi-city from 07.57 - 08.15 UTC Audio

Translate this with Google-translator:

BSR will broadcast this evening on 7.200 MHz at 21 UTC!

Old Time Radio (Scandinavia, 15.009 /15.071 MHz) was received in Tallapoosa (JonM near Atlanta) Georgia, USA today afternoon! !!

Radio Spaceshuttle (two frq's) from Scandinavia was received in C-Europe with nice signals! OTR and Spaceshuttle used AM-modulation.

Shoreline AM from Holland was clear in Finland on 14.375 MHz on
Saturday morning.

I hope to get more reports this evening - and tomorrow of course !


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Schedule for Japan test-weekend

Note new station on the list below!

Last minute changes are in blue-text below!

CHAT for everybody during broadcasting times:

- Saturday 29.1.2011 >> Sunday 30.1.2011 -

1. Saturday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
2. Saturday evening 21.00 - 22.00 UTC (7-11 MHz)
3. Sunday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
4. Sunday evening 21.00 - 22.00 UTC (7 - 11 MHz)

1) Baltic Sea Radio / Location: Scandinavia

BSR will broadcast on Saturday and Sunday mornings on 14.350 MHz USB.
Perhaps also on evenings on 7.200 kHz USB.

2) Mike Radio / Location: Holland POSSIBLY CANCELLED!
Mike Radio will broadcast on Sunday 30th Jan. 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
with 250 Watts on AM-modulation. Frequency: 13.900 MHz.

3) Free Radio Nova / Location: Holland web
Free Radio Nova will be on the air on Sunday 30th January from 07.00 - 09.00 UTC
with 50 Watts in AM-modulation. Frq: 15.070 MHz

4) Radio Scotland / Location: Holland web
Radio Scotland will broadcast on Saturday 29th Jan. 21.00 - 22.00 UTC
with 250 Watts in AM-modulation. Frequency: 15.090 MHz (+/- 5 kHz).
And Sunday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC on 15.052 MHz. All in AM-modulation.

5) Old Time Radio / Location: Scandinavia
OTR will broadcast on Saturday and Sunday morning with power 300 W AM.
15.009 MHz (with 6,5 kHz VFO-shift-steps).
Possibly also broadcast to North America at 11 UTC on Sat and Sun!! Check!

6) WR International / Location: UK
Wrekin' Radio International will be on the air on Sunday 30 Jan from 7.30 UTC
till 13.05 UTC with 35 Watts AM. Frequency:
12.257.2 MHz.

7) Radio Spaceshuttle / Location: Scandinavia web
Saturday: 06:30- 09:30 UTC 9.290 MHz USB 25 W, 12.265 MHz AM 50 W
(also on 48 mb 06:00-08:00 UTC 200 W AM). A little chance in Japan from 7.30>?
Sunday: 06:30- 09:30 UTC 9.290 MHz AM 50 W, 12.265 MHz USB 25 W
(also on 48 mb 06:00-08:00 UTC 200 W AM).
To North America:
Sunday 30th of January
11:00-14:30 UTC
9.290 MHz USB 25 W, 12.265 MHz AM 50 W.

8) Bluestar Radio / Location: Holland
Bluestar will be on the air on 11.485 khz or 14.500 MHz. No more info, but

please check the frequencies on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

9) Channel Z Radio / Location: USA
Channel Z Radio will be on the air on
Saturday and Sunday
between 2130 and 2330 UTC, with 16 watts AM. Frq.
11.428.3 MHz.

10) Shoreline Radio / Location: Holland
Shoreline Radio will be on the air on Saturday and Sunday on 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
with 150 watts AM. Frqequency 14.375 MHz.

Thursday 6 January 2011

European SW-pirates testing to Japan

European SW-pirates might never been received in Japan, so far I know. Or at least it is very very rare!

I am arranging test weekend for European pirates to try to reach Japan on Short Wave!

Japanese DXers with nicknames "Shinzo" and "RadioSiesta" will have DX-pedition in Hokkaido, North Japan.

It will be from Saturday morning 29th January till Sunday evening 30th January.

They will monitor given HF-frequencies on the following times:

Saturday 29.1.2011 >> Sunday 30,1.2011

Note: CHANGED EVENING-TIMES and frequencies!

1. Saturday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
2. Saturday evening 21.00 - 22.00 UTC (7-11 MHz)
3. Sunday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
4. Sunday evening 21.00 - 22.00 UTC (7 - 11 MHz)

The brodcast-frequency should be from 9.000 till 15.500 MHz.

I invite all European SW-stations to broadcast on these time-slots and try to reach Japan!

Please contact me and give me your:
1) Station-name
2) Frequency or frequencies
3) Times of broadcasting
4) Power (about), AM or USB/LSB
5) Country

This information will spread over whole Japan DX-community. So there might be dozens of listeners in Japan and Asia!
I hope listeners in Canada and USA will also monitor the frequencies - and in Europe of course!

I WILL LIST ALL STATIONS HERE who will try to reach Japan.

If you would like to broadcast on some of these times between 9-15 MHz send me e-mail to: harriku(-at-)


ALL NAMES of the stations will be published 2-4 days before broadcast!

1) Baltic Sea Radio /
Location: Scandinavia
BSR will broadcast on all these time-slots with 150-300 W in USB..
Frequency will be between 10.000 - 14.500 MHz (Exact Frq. given later

2) [Named-Later-1-] Radio /
Location: Holland
[Named-Later-1] Radio will broadcast on Sunday 30th Jan. 08.00 - 09.00 UTC
with 250 Watts on AM-modulation. Frequency: 13.900 MHz.

3) Free Radio Nova /
Location: Holland
Free Radio Nova will be on the air on Sun 30th January from 07.00 - 09.00 UTC
with 50 Watts in AM-modulation. Frq: 15.070 MHz

4) Radio [Named-Later-2-]
/ Location: C-Europe
Radio [Named-Later-2] will broadcast on Saturday 29th Jan. 21.00 - 22.00 UTC
with 250 Watts in AM-modulation. Frequency: 15.090 MHz (+/- 5 kHz).
And Sunday morning 08.00 - 09.00 UTC on 15.052 MHz. All in AM-modulation.

5) [Named-Later-3-] Radio / Location: Scandinavia
This station informed that they will be on the air if new antenna is ready and
up for this weekend. Power 300 W AM. Frequency: 15.025 - 15.095 MHz
(with 6,5 kHz VFO-shift-steps).

6) Radio [Named-Later-4-]
/ Location: UK
This UK-station informed that they will be on the air on Sun 30 Jan for many
hours with 30 - 50 Watts. Starting at 08.00 UTC. Exact frq. published later.

7) Radio Spaceshuttle
/ Location: Scandinavia

: 06:15- 09:00 UTC 9290 kHz USB 25 W, 12265 kHz AM 50 W
(also on 48 mb 06:15-07:30 UTC 200 w AM).
Sunday: 06:15- 09:00 UTC 9290 kHz AM 50 W, 12265 kHz USB 25 W
(also on 48 mb 06:15-07:30 UTC 200 W AM).
To North America: Sunday 30th of January
11:00-14:30 UTC 9290 kHz USB 25 W, 12265 kHz AM 50 W.

8) Bluestar Radio / Location: Holland
Bluestar will be on the air on 11.485 khz or 14.500 MHz. Exact dates and
power will be published later.

9) Channel Z Radio / Location: USA
It is great to have pirate from USA also testing!!! Power only 16 Watts AM.
Frequency will be around 11.4 MHz. Exact times published later.