Monday 16 January 2012

Late loggings 14-15.1.2012

Here some more late loggings from the past weekend, from Greece, Ukraine and USA - Radio Shadow and Borderhunter sounding great in New York! Listen the clips below!

Greece (Zacharias Liangas)
12257 kHz for WRI on 0724 with a poor carrier - Recording
21500 kHz Baltic Sea? 0956 - id in japanese Recording
All loggings are here in Zacharias' blog.
Here you can see his big collection of many kind of receivers!

Ukraine (Alexandr, Kiev)
12.50 - 15235U - Radio Shadow - 45533 (not listed)
12.58 - 15083U - Radio Fox 48 - 35543 (not listed)
13.06 - 15515,0 - Borderhunter Radio - 34533
13.35 - 15100,0 - Radio Black Bird - 35422
15.01 - 15460,0 - Radio Black Bird - 34533
12.55 - 15092U - Radio Fox 48 - 34443
13.25 - 15100,0 - Radio Alpenroos - 45433 (surprise!, not listed)

USA (John Herkimer, New York)
"Harri, First, thank you for organizing the Global Pirate Weekend and for keeping listeners informed of the stations and frequencies. -John-"
- Here is my recording of Radio Shadow here in New York on Jan 14, 2012 on 15235 kHz (USB) at 1250 UTC. Mp3-audio
- And here is Borderhunter received today (Jan 15, 2012) in New York on 15515 kHz at 1600 UTC. Mp3-audio

USA (Andrew Yoder, USA)
"Thanks much for scheduling another weekend! Great stuff. I heard Radio Shadow for the first time, had 100% copy on Borderhunter, heard Red Mercury Labs from NA for the first time, and also had a really weak signal on Radio True North." -Andrew-

Baltic Sea Radio on Sunday 18950/21500kHz LSB. Youtube - No other stations could be heard in Shimane, JAPAN. Band was not well open to Japan -
However, Radio Black Bird was heard in Japan ! But we must remember that propagation is very selective on HF via F2-layer!! There are big differencies in receptions even in small areas!

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