Sunday 14 October 2007

Weekend Log 13-14.10.2007

Log Sun 14.10.2007 (times utc)
Unfortunately time for listening only at early Sunday morning and late afternoon.

1655 kHz - Technischeman, Holland (O=2-4) - 18.45-
5720 kHz - Orion Radio, Holland. Stronger than ever (O=2-4+) - 06.45-
6280 kHz - R Merlin tentatively, UK (QSL below!) (O=0-2) - 07.00-
6291 kHz - Radio Bluehouse. Finnish station relayed by Dutch? (O=1-3) - 12.24-
6292 kHz - Westcoast Radio, Holland. QSO /QRM (O=2-3+) - 14.05- mp3
6292 kHz - Radio Titanic, Holland. QSO (O=2-3+) - 14.05-
6292 kHz - Radio Viking Scandinavia "This is a voice report to Westcoast and ...." but Dutch stations did not hear this report. New station?? (=2-4) - 15.23- mp3
6300 kHz - Radio Golfbreker, Holland. Long broadcast. Still only 10W? (O=1-3) - 12.20-
6306 kHz - Radio Lowland tent., Holland. No luck with id before I had to go. (O=2-3) - 06.45-
6309 kHz - UNID (Marconi?) beside Foxfire. Poor mic modulation sound comparing to music quality (O=1-2+) - 13.55-
6311 kHz - Radio Foxfire, Holland. Very much QRM around (O=2-3+) - c/d - 13.57-
12257 kHz - Radio Wrekin Int, UK. Weak / clear. No id. (O=0-2) - 07.00-

Log Sat 13.10.2007 (times utc)
1636 kHz - UNID Russian pirate. DJs are singing over the music (beside notes....). No time to try to ID because Russian pirates speak quite rarely (O=2-4) - 16.50- mp3
1646 kHz - The Farmers, Holland on air again (see 5.9.-07) (O=2-4). 19.55-
1655 kHz - Radio Barones, Holland with a new Dj on the air (O=2-4+) - 20.25-
3905 kHz - Radio Jimmy, Holland. I think said to have 30 Watts. (O=0-2) - 20.05-
3935 kHz - Radio Nova, Holland. Sounded like British stn. They seemed to use jingles from legendary Irish Radio Nova, Dublin from 80's - and why not, those're good jingles! (O=0-2+) - 18.55- mp3
6275 kHz - Laser Hot Hits, UK. Nice jingle for the end and missed to record it. I think they closed at 1700utc? (O=0-2+) - 1645-

6280 kHz - Radio Merlin International, UK. Quick QSL even next day is here >>> (O=0-2+) - 17.46- mp3

1 comment:

Orion Radio Nederland said...

Hello Harri, thanks for the log, much appreciated.