Thursday 5 April 2012

HF Pirate broadcasting on regular basis?

Hi everybody,
I am planning to arrange Pirate HF-broadcasting on regular basis, for example once a month, like every 1st Sunday (not Saturdays basicly?). Also there could be basic frequency limits for listeners to monitor (although all split-frequencies should be allowed of course).
I might open new blog for that and there could be many updaters and administratives?
What do you think?

Ideas and thoughts:

1) I open new blog for HF pirate broadcasting (and many people could update it later).

2) We arrange and publish that every 1st Sunday of the month is for HF-broadcasting.

3) So that could be named Global Pirate HF-Sundays (no Saturdays included?). Saturday could be included sometimes.

4) There could be basic frequency-limits for stations so that it is easier for listeners to monitor and find the stations.
Those limits could be 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - 21.450 - 21.500 MHz - 12.300 - 12.350 and
what more? There should not be too many frequency slots.

5) Split-frequencies (frq. out of the limits) should be allowed and announced on the blog.

6) The stations shoud basicly broadcast on certain 2-3h time-slots, like in the 1) morning 2) afternoon 3) early evening 4) late evening (for USA-Asia-skip).

6) Facebook could be also useful for announcements but that may reveal that operators.

7) No active blog-updates with lists and times are not needed because of regularity, but it could be also more active if there are active udaters. That would ease my job on this in the first place.

8) There could still be irregular HF-Weekends for bigger happenings with lists and times.

What do you think?

Give me comments of this!!
Leave the message on a comment-box below or mail directly to my personal e-mail: harriku*at*

Harri Kujala - Naantali - SW Finland


Ihor said...

Hello Harry,
I support your idea! HF Pirate broadcasting is very perspective in summer time. I would like to address to US free radio operators will be more active and broadcast more for european fans of free radio on HF!
All the best and 73's!
Ihor from Lviv, Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Good idea Harry!
I think 15900-16000 khz will better than 15010-15100 khz.21400-21500 I think good.And why not use 10m?
Every 1-st Sunday also good idea.
New Blog?Why not use this?

LZ2GPB said...

This blog is okay. A good idea is to use the higher bands, 11 meters for example. Once or twice a month is very good, some regular schedules are also a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a great idea! We should give it a try and see what the response is!

Ohio, USA

Costa C. said...

Hi there finally I am able to say hello I am Costa C from Cyprus../ South Africa . I
enjoy your tips. From them I have heard Spaceman Radio, Magic Radio, Space shuttle Radio, Radio Borderline, Radio Caroline etc. heard from before Alfa Lima international.Last night before going to work I heard Unid station on 6.316 mhz at 19.20 utc till 19.23 utc . sio 432. I didnt have time to wait. But tonight I am off duty so I will tune in. Any ideas who might it have been.
My rig NRD 515 and Wellbrook ALA 1530 p loop antenna. A fine antenna.I can highly recommend to dxers.
Good dxing to all on this channel.. Qsl collecting been rather slow to reply for all stations legal or not.As I am ardent collector of qsl cards.
From Aphodite island Cyprus.
Costa C.

Anonymous said...

I do think it is a great idea! In general, though. I mean: others should do same, among those who really love AM broadcasting ... and not that digital stuff. Short waves are more and more abandoned by the so called 'official services'. Therefore ... ;-)

Best 73

Anonymous said...


Mariela García said...

Eu não posso acreditar nisso. Um grande testemunho que devo compartilhar com todos os pacientes com VÍRUS HERPES SIMPLEX no mundo. Eu nunca acreditei que pudesse haver uma cura completa para o Herpes ou qualquer cura para o herpes, vi testemunhos de pessoas em blogs de como Dr Wealthy prepara fitoterápicos que curam e os trouxe de volta à vida. Tive que experimentar também e não dá para acreditar que em poucas semanas comecei a usar todas as minhas dores pararam aos poucos e tive que sair sem os comprimidos que o médico me deu. Neste momento posso dizer que há poucos meses não tenho tido nenhuma dor, demora no tratamento leva à morte. Aqui está seu e-mail: ( Whatsapp ele com +2348105150446 visite o blog

Bailey H said...

Great reading youur post