- Radio-hooliganism in USSR and the CIS (Go to page)
- History of amateur radio in the USSR of 1924-1990 (Go to page)
Unfortunately I have not had time to read those pages carefully yet.
There are a lot of pirates in Russia. Those stations operate mainly around 3000 kHz but also around 1700 kHz.

I suppose these Russian unlicensed stations operate mostly like radioamateurs and they do not play music so often. However, I have heard many Russian pirates playing music above 1600 kHz.
I have heard Radio Galavok very often there. No idea of exact location. Perhaps from St Petersburg area because os strong signal?
Another well-known and most active russian pirate frequency 6660 kHz, USB. Most active at 18:00-02:00 MSK (15:00-23:00 UTC).
At the 90-120 meter bands they use frequencies from 2100 up to 3100 kHz, working in AM.
I cannot advise location of "Radio Galavok" because I never heard it. If you interested in it, you can make me know by ICQ/GTalk when it on air and I can try to locate it.
THat´s really interesting and new for me!!!!
If you know, when and at which time and on which frequency any station especially on about 3000kcs is transmitting, please let me know and I will try to recieve it here in the southeast part of Germany near Polish border.
My e-mail: radiocaroline@hotmail.de
Thanks a lot!
hi lemonacid!
Can you write directly to my e-mail?
Hi Caroline!
I will try 2100 - 3000 khz soon.
I will write here if I can hear something. Also 6660 kHz.
However, I prefer to hunt music-pirates. Let's see what is their output.
- harri -
Probably "Radio Kolobok", not "Galavok"
de RX1AG
Summer 2010 year and now in Central Russia, Ukraine you can listen a lot of pirate radio stations. Earshot good time - 20.00 UTC and more on the frequencies 2900 -3200 kHz, modulation AM. Sometimes you can pirate stn hear on SSB modulation . To midnight clearly audible pirate radio from the Caucasus, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Eastern Siberia.
Details, and more info -- WWW.RX1AG.NAROD.RU My web site pirate page adress :
http://rx1ag.narod.ru/HISTORY/history_01.htm Welcome ! 73's
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