The latest updates to this page:
-More loggings added on lists below to Finland-section and to SPAIN!
- More Youtube-clips from Japan of Borderhunter, Cupid and Old Time Radio!! See below under Japan-section!
Write your comments and observations from this Sunday under this text.
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Spain, Catalonia (Artur Fernández Llorella, MALGRAT DE MAR, Spain)
5th November15807 KHz, 10.25, Radio Powerliner, music, 23322
18950 KHz (LSB), 09.35, Baltic Sea R., rock mx, closed at 09.45, 24442
21490 KHz, 10.10, Radio Black Arrow, E, music, ids, playing Yazoo, 24442
6th November 9301 KHz, 09.25, FRSH, E, music, ids, 23332
12257 KHz, 08.50, WR International, E, music, playing M Jackson, 24332
12280 KHz, 09.50, Unid, Shoreline?, music, 23222
15009 KHz, 09.10, Old Time Radio, E, music, playing "I'll survive", 23332
15060 KHz, 08.10, Radio Scotland, E, ids, playing "Amer. woman", 44444
15800 KHz, 08.15, Radio Powerliner, E, music, ids, pl. "Mirror man", 24442
20795 KHz, 08.35, Radio Borderhunter, E, music, playing rock&roll, 22332
21460 KHz, 08.20, Radio Cupido, E, music, 22332
21490 KHz, 08.25, Radio Black Arrow, E, ids, e-mail, music, playing Eurythmics, 23442
21550 KHz (LSB), 09.30, Baltic Sea Radio, music, ids, e-mail, playing ABBA and Roxette, 34433
RussiaRadio Black Arrow has e-mail-reports from Belgorod and Togliatti from Russia!
Finland (Rick)
Rick's loggings from the afternoon session15065
Powerliner S9 13.36- UTC.
Free Radio Victoria S9+20dB in the peaks, 11.50-
Borderhunter S9 15.35-
Rick's loggings from the morning session:15060,1
R. Scotland Int S9+10dB 07.01-UTC
Powerliner S9 07.48-
Black Arrow S9+10dB 08.08-
Borderhunter S9+10dB 08.13-
Cupid R. S9+20dB 08.23-
WR Int. S7 08.35-
FRSH S7 08.55-
BS Radio S9+10dB 08.59-
OTR (tentative) only visible, 09.20-
R. Shadow (tentative) S7 09.46-
UNID S8 09.57-
UzbekistanCupid Radio informs us that he has e-mail also from
Tashkent, Uzbekistan (from Uzbekdx)!!!
India"Unbeleivable...listening to
Cupid Radio 350 watts on 21460 khz, SINPO 35333 here in
New Delhi, India !!" (Alokesh Gupta)
New ZealandTentatively Shoreline "on 24000.03 audible weakly here in New Zealand with heavy rock music at 0758 UTC! " (Bryan DX, New Zealand))
JapanGood conditions in Japan to Europe today:
- Thanks-message from Japan hereTakunioh from Japan reports:Sunday's Audio clips,
R.Black Arrow and
R.Borderhunter are
He has been listen with mobile-equipment with Eton E1 and antenna Sony AN-12.
"Shimane" from JAPAN reports many stations around 0800UTC~15.009AkHz
Old Time Radio youtube 21.460AkHz
Cupid Radio youtube21.490kHz
Radio Black Arrow (up)
- Youtube-video 20.795kHz
Radio Borderhunter youtube
Report from S.Hasegawa, Japan:"I received 20795 -Radio Borderhunter / 21460-Cupid Radio / 21490-Radio Black Arrow and 21550-BSR at 0830UT.Ukraine- Shoreline AM 24.000 MHz 07.20 utc with SINPO 44333 or even better (signal level increasing with time) in Ukraine. (DXer: Vitaly)
At 08.10 utc big signals in Ukraine!! (DXer: Vitaly)
15060 - Radio Scotland International, 34333
21460 - Radio Cupid, SINPO 55533...55544
21490 - Radio Black Arrow, SINPO 54544,
20795 - Radio Borderhunter, SINPO 45444
Another log from Ukraine, Lviv (DXer: Ihor) 08-09 utc
Borderhunter sinpo 35333
Cupid Radio sinpo 45434
Black Arrow Radio sinpo 45434
Here is a photo from "Radiosiesta" from Japan. He is listening Europirates outdoors with mobile-equipment. The listening place is a horse-racetrack. Great!! Sunday 6.11.2011 at 07.00 utc!