Finland, Southwest (Rick, Rick's blog)
My saturday HF-log:
9860LSB R. Tropiq 18.10- 45444 mx
11450LSB R. Tropiq 15.59- 45444 mx
15000 R. Mustang 11.17- 45444 E
15005 R. Trans Europe 07.57- 35333 E
15008,1 R. Trans Europe 08.15-, 14.14- 35333 E
15020 R. Mustang 07.32- 45444 E
15020 R. Tidalwave & Mustang 14.15- 45444 E, later only Mustang IDs
15020 unid 14.15- 45433 E
15020,1 Trans Europe Radio 11.24- 44433 E
15029 R. Paranoid 13.10- 45333 E
15030 R. Paranoid 09.40-10.00*, 11.40- 45333 E
15055 R. Latino (tent.) 10.25- 15321 only visible
15055USB R. Tropiq 15.05- 33333 E
15060 R. Scotland Int. 07.59-, 14.10- 45444 E
15060,1 R. Trans Europe 13.04-, 15.48- 45333 E
15070,3 Cupid Radio 15.27- 45322 E
15070,3 Balkan Radio Int. 17.09- 45333 E, via Cupid
15080,1 R. Trans Europe 08.50- 45333 E
15845USB R. Spaceshuttle Int. 06,58- 25311 E
15850USB R. Underground 12.55-, 14.43- 35343 E
16795 Free Radio Victoria 14.09-, 16.20- 45433 E
18950LSB BSR 13.44- 25332 E
21485USB BSR 08.08- 25232 E
21485LSB BSR 08.30-, 11.20- 25332 E
France, West (Ray Lalleu)
6920 L . . 0710-0730 . . BALTIC SEA R.
15030,1 . . 0837-0907 . . R.LATINO
15845 U . . 0907-0915 . . SPACESHUTTLE R.
also traces on 15080 and 15060 (this one up to buzz at last check). Good listening, Ray
Greece, Thessaloniki
Most of the stations were received in Greece by Zacharias. Loggings coming later.
Ukraine, Lviv (Ihor)
Hello! It seems that only 19 m.b. had worked ok during first HF Pirates Weekend. Here are my log:
0723 15020 Radio Mustang 35222
1116 15000 Radio Mustang 45344
1418 15020 Radio Mustang 45444
1449 15060 Radio Scotland Intl 35222
1558 15070 Cupid Radio 34333
1658 15070 Cupid Radio relaying Balkan Radio Intl 33232
Ihor from Lviv, Ukraine 73's!
Ukraine, Kiev (Alexandr)
Hello! Logs from Kiev - Ukraine:
07.39 - 15020,0 - Mustang Radio - 45544
07.42 - 15845,0 - Radio Spaceshuttle Int'l - 35543
07.47 - 6920L - Baltic Sea Radio (tent., not sure) - 25422
07.50 - 15845U - Radio Spaceshuttle Int'l - 45433
07.59 - 15060,0 - Radio Scotland Int'l - 45433
08.06 - 15005,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 44433
08.15 - 15008,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 35433
08.51 - 15080,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 45433
09.41 - 15030,0 - Radio Paranoid - 45444
10.10 - 15055,0 - Radio Latino - 35433
13.11 - 15029,0 - Radio Paranoid - 45434
13.15 - 15060,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 34433
14.00 - 15058U - Radio Fox 48 (tent.) - 23432
14.11 - 15008,0 - Radio Trans Europe - 34433
14.13 - 15060,0 - Radio Scotland International - 44444
14.21 - 15020,0 - Mustang Radio - 55545
14.37 - 16795,0 - Free Radio Victoria (very tent., not sure) - 25422
14.52 - 15850U - Radio Underground - 35422
15.11 - 21490U - Radio Underground - 35423
15.17 (approx.) - 15055,5S - Radio Tropiq (tent.) - 25422
15.28 - 15070,3 - Cupid Radio - 44433
15.53 - 15060,1 - Radio Trans Europe - 35443
15.56 - 15030U - UNID - 44434 - Blue System, 16.03 - Song by Ukrainian singer Ruslana
16.00 - 11450L - Radio Tropiq - 45444
16.52 - 15070,3 - Balkan Radio International (via Cupid Radio) - 44433 - 55444
I will publish audio clips later on my website Alexandr ULX2.
Austria (Patric Robic)
"Hi Harri! In southeast Austria only Radio Spaceshuttle 15845 kHz and Radio Tropiq 11450 kHz were audible today." 73, Patrick , Austria
Radio Tropiq heard in SW Finland on 11.450 MHz and 15.055 MHz in the afternoon.
France, South (Philippe, near Spain border)
"Iam SWL in south part of France border Spain. I go sometime to your internet blog i like also listen the pirates stations today I listened the HF week end with my receiver YASEU FRG 8800 + FRT 7700and my antena long wire 5m external. i have this :
15845 RADIO SPACESHUTTLE 31/03/2012 07:58 USB 33333(PG)
15060 RADIO SCOTLAND 31/03/2012 08:01 AM 44333 (PG)
15020 Radio Mustang ? 31/03/2012 08:22 AM 44344 (PG)
15060 RADIO SCOTLAND 31/03/2012 14:13 AM 44333 (PG)
15020 Radio Mustang 31/03/2012 14:17 AM 43323 (PG)
15070 Cupid Radio 31/03/2012 16:04 AM 43223 (PG)
11450 Tropiq Radio 31/03/2012 16:19 LSB 23332 (PG) - - - Philippe - - -
Uzbekistan (Uzbekdx)
"Today in Uzbekistan I heared in Tashkent only Spaceshuttle on 15845 khz with a very good signal!Listen Show from 07:51 to 12:02 by UTC.
I note very good propagation on 21 and 28 Mhz but no station can heard in my location.
Thank you for good Saturday Pirates HF Weekend!"
Russia, Valdivosktok (Oleg)
"15092 AM, Radio Scotland, SINPO-34333 - later 15060 khz -+ possiblyMustang on 15019.94 khz - SINPO 25232" Oleg
Bulgaria logs
Mustang, Scotland, Paranoid, Trans Europe and Spaceshuttle heard in Bulgaria with nice signals!
Message from Japan (Shimane)
"HI I just listening 15060 (Scotland) &15020kHz (Mustang) !@1420UTC
Not so strong but audible!!" DFS@Shimane JAPAN
Message: 15092 USB for Fox 48 is a very bad idea. R. Free Afghanistan on 15090 kill it absofuckinlutely(((...
Rdio Underground on 15.850 MHz usb Closed down at 15.00. Good signal in Finland!!
Free Radio Vicoria on air on 16.795 MHz (14.55 utc). Good signal in Finland!
Trans Europe Radio now on air on 15.008 MHz (14.50 utc) Good sigal in Finland
Rdio Scotland now on air on 15.060 MHz (14.53 utc). Huge signal in Finland!
USA, New York (J.Herkimer)
Thanks for organizing another Pirate Radio Weekend, Harri. Radio Space
Shuttle was heard well today on 15845 kHz from t/in at 1055 UTC. And
they are still being heard at 1255. Here is an audio clip from 1200 UTC:
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Real time-updates 31.3 Sat morning (utc)
USA, Georgia (at 12.47utc)
"The first station has arrived! - 1140 utc Radio Spaceshuttle - 15845 usb - SINPO...25322
Clear ID's and music! Thanks for organizing this EXCELLENT event!!" jon maples - tallapoosa,georgia usa
It seems that we have better distant signals from North Europe today, no signals from South Europe! / harri
Messages from Japan (Smoker)
"Dear Sirs, Thank you for planning this time. RADIO SPACESHUTTLE have heard in Japan are currently very excited. The current situation, please look at the following address:
Watch Live-DX > Ustream:
We look forward to tomorrow's broadcast." Smoker_JPN
Japan (from "Pacificocean)
"Good signal! 15845USB Radio Spaceshuttle received from Japan!"
Radio Latino, 15.055 MHz on air 10.00 - 10.30 utc!
New unlisted station:
Paranoid Radio was on air 15.030 MHz at 09.45 - 10.00 utc.
Fairly good signal in SW Finland!
Sweden North, Kalix (PJK's blog)
09.44 utc:
Radio Latino now off air for a while on 15.030 MHz.
Japan, S. Hasegawa
"As of 0900UT, condition is poor in Japan.
I can receive 15845 MHz USB-Spacesuttle and 21485 MHz LSB. 21485 can't yet capture Segal" S. Hasegawa, Japan
Russia, Vladivostok
"21.845 MHz LSB, Baltic Sea Radio, SINPO-25332"RUSSIA, peninsula Gamov (Vladivostok), Oleg
India, New Delhi
Finland SW, Raisio (Rick) blog
15005 R. Trans Europe 07.57- 35333 E
15008,1 R. Trans Europe 08.15- 35333 E
15020 R. Mustang 07.32- 45444 E
15030 R. Paranoid 09.40- 45333 E
15055 R. Latino (tent.) 10.25- 15321 only visible
15060 R. Scotland Int. 07.59- 45444 E
15080,1 R. Trans Europe 08.50- 45333 E
15845USB R. Spaceshuttle Int. 06,58- 25311 E
21485USB BSR 08.08- 25232 E
21485LSB BSR 08.30- 25332 E
Italia, Roma
"Good signal RSI 15.060 s. 2/5 in Roma Italia now,music rock '60/'70... all the best!!!
IDX01 SWL (rec yeasu ft-840, home made vertical antenna) "
NOW CLOSED DOWN for the morning, Radio Trans Europe, 15.080 MHz !!
Russia, Samara
"I hear 15845 USB 55444, QTH Samara, Russia. It's really cool, guys!))).
p.s. Spaceshuttle on 15.845 Mhz - USB 55444, trance music" Топор
Russia, Togliatti:
"21485 kHz BSR 0802 SINPO - 45444. 15060 kHz R.Scotland 0810 SINPO - 35333. 15006 kHz unidentified 0815 SINPO - 25322". Alexander from Togliatti Russia
NEW ZEALAND, Bryan Clark:
"Listening in Northland New Zealand have so far logged Undercover Radio USA 6925, Mustang Radio 15019.97, Spaceshuttle 15845.02 and Radio Scotland 15060.06 right now!" Bryan Clark, NZ
NOW ON AIR: Radio Scotland, Holland on 15.060 MHz!!!
Australia, Mike:
"something on 15.845 MHz USB...sounds like dance music ID heard yet" "Mike, Australia
NOW ON AIR: Radio Trans Europe, 15.008 MHz !!
Radio Latino from South Europe now on air on 15.030 MHz!!
Cancellation nr 3:
Radio Black Bird cancelled. Tx broken yesterday after one hour on air!
Russia, Togliatti:
"Hello ! Today took on 15845 kHzR/ Spaceshuttle with 0556 - 0730 .SINPO - 35343 On 15074kHz 0630 - 0645 unidentified station.SINPO - 22222/ On 15022 kHz Mustang Radio with 0730 SINPO - 45322" Alexander from Togliatti Russia
"The first station has arrived! - 1140 utc Radio Spaceshuttle - 15845 usb - SINPO...25322
Clear ID's and music! Thanks for organizing this EXCELLENT event!!" jon maples - tallapoosa,georgia usa
It seems that we have better distant signals from North Europe today, no signals from South Europe! / harri
Messages from Japan (Smoker)
"Dear Sirs, Thank you for planning this time. RADIO SPACESHUTTLE have heard in Japan are currently very excited. The current situation, please look at the following address:
Watch Live-DX > Ustream:
We look forward to tomorrow's broadcast." Smoker_JPN
Japan (from "Pacificocean)
"Good signal! 15845USB Radio Spaceshuttle received from Japan!"
Radio Latino, 15.055 MHz on air 10.00 - 10.30 utc!
New unlisted station:
Paranoid Radio was on air 15.030 MHz at 09.45 - 10.00 utc.
Fairly good signal in SW Finland!
Sweden North, Kalix (PJK's blog)
15.005: R Trans Europe at 0808 UTC, pop-mx, QSY to 15008, SINPO 24222
15.019,1: R Mustang at 0759 UTC, Van Halen, Roxette, SINPO 34333
15.060: R Scotland int at 0803, ID, rock-mx, Iggy Pop, SINPO 3543 3-4
15.845: R Spaceshuttle int at 0759 UTC ID jingles in USB mode, SINPO 25222
15.019,1: R Mustang at 0759 UTC, Van Halen, Roxette, SINPO 34333
15.060: R Scotland int at 0803, ID, rock-mx, Iggy Pop, SINPO 3543 3-4
15.845: R Spaceshuttle int at 0759 UTC ID jingles in USB mode, SINPO 25222
09.44 utc:
Radio Latino now off air for a while on 15.030 MHz.
Japan, S. Hasegawa
"As of 0900UT, condition is poor in Japan.
I can receive 15845 MHz USB-Spacesuttle and 21485 MHz LSB. 21485 can't yet capture Segal" S. Hasegawa, Japan
Russia, Vladivostok
"21.845 MHz LSB, Baltic Sea Radio, SINPO-25332"RUSSIA, peninsula Gamov (Vladivostok), Oleg
India, New Delhi
"Listening to Radio Spaceshuttle on 15845 USB at 0912 UTC......25332, hoping to improve.
73's" Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE, New Delhi
Finland SW, Raisio (Rick) blog
15005 R. Trans Europe 07.57- 35333 E
15008,1 R. Trans Europe 08.15- 35333 E
15020 R. Mustang 07.32- 45444 E
15030 R. Paranoid 09.40- 45333 E
15055 R. Latino (tent.) 10.25- 15321 only visible
15060 R. Scotland Int. 07.59- 45444 E
15080,1 R. Trans Europe 08.50- 45333 E
15845USB R. Spaceshuttle Int. 06,58- 25311 E
21485USB BSR 08.08- 25232 E
21485LSB BSR 08.30- 25332 E
Italia, Roma
"Good signal RSI 15.060 s. 2/5 in Roma Italia now,music rock '60/'70... all the best!!!
IDX01 SWL (rec yeasu ft-840, home made vertical antenna) "
NOW CLOSED DOWN for the morning, Radio Trans Europe, 15.080 MHz !!
Russia, Samara
"I hear 15845 USB 55444, QTH Samara, Russia. It's really cool, guys!))).
p.s. Spaceshuttle on 15.845 Mhz - USB 55444, trance music" Топор
Russia, Togliatti:
"21485 kHz BSR 0802 SINPO - 45444. 15060 kHz R.Scotland 0810 SINPO - 35333. 15006 kHz unidentified 0815 SINPO - 25322". Alexander from Togliatti Russia
NEW ZEALAND, Bryan Clark:
"Listening in Northland New Zealand have so far logged Undercover Radio USA 6925, Mustang Radio 15019.97, Spaceshuttle 15845.02 and Radio Scotland 15060.06 right now!" Bryan Clark, NZ
NOW ON AIR: Radio Scotland, Holland on 15.060 MHz!!!
Australia, Mike:
"something on 15.845 MHz USB...sounds like dance music ID heard yet" "Mike, Australia
NOW ON AIR: Radio Trans Europe, 15.008 MHz !!
Radio Latino from South Europe now on air on 15.030 MHz!!
Cancellation nr 3:
Radio Black Bird cancelled. Tx broken yesterday after one hour on air!
Russia, Togliatti:
"Hello ! Today took on 15845 kHzR/ Spaceshuttle with 0556 - 0730 .SINPO - 35343 On 15074kHz 0630 - 0645 unidentified station.SINPO - 22222/ On 15022 kHz Mustang Radio with 0730 SINPO - 45322" Alexander from Togliatti Russia
Radio Mustang now on air on 15.020 MHz!
Radio Spaceshuttle (from Scandinavia) now on air starting 07.00 utc on 15.845 MHz USB!
Sinal was good in Poland on 21.845 MHz at 06.34 utc (sorry, wrong info at first)
Two cancellations:
Radio Borderhunter cancelled broadcasts. Big transmitter broken. Borderhunter has participated to all HF-Weekends during the years.
Radio Balkan International cancelled. Unfortunately the new 500 Watt AM-transmitter is not ready for use. The station is planning to come on air before the summer with regular weekend broadcasts.
Friday, 30 March 2012
19 scheduled stations for The HF-Weekend
SCHEDULED STATIONS for The HF-Weekend 31.3. - 1.4.2012
(Please make NO April fool-jokes on Sunday 1.4.2012!!!! :])
Stations!!! Please mail me new frequencies and times in real time! I will update your info immedeately to this blog !
1) RADIO SCOTLAND, Holland- 15.060 MHz - AM - 200 W
Saturdaymorning 08:00 - 10:00 h utc.
Saturday afternoon 14:00 (or 14:15) - 15:00 h utc.
Sundaymorning 09:00 - 11:00 h utc.
Frequency 15.050 - 15.065 MHz, if 15.060 is occupied.
2) TRANS EUROPE RADIO, Holland - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 65 W
Will be active during Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon
on 19 mb.
3) BALTIC SEA RADIO, Scandinavia - 21.485 MHz - USB - 80/150 W W
On Saturday starting 08.00 and again 13.00 utc
On Sunday starting at 09.00 utc.
X) RADIO BORDERHUNTER, Holland - around /15 MHz/ 21.5 MHz - AM
Radio Borderhunter cancelled broadcasts for this weekend. Big transmitter is broken. Borderhunter has participated to all HF-Weekends during the years.
x) OLD TIME RADIO, Scandinavia - 15.009 MHz - AM - 50 W
Short test was planned but cancelled for this weekend.
5) RADIO BLACK BIRD, Holland - 19 mb - AM
No frequency or time information yet.
6) WR INTERNATIONAL, England - 12.257 MHz - AM - 35 W
WR is on the air every Sunday from 08.00 - 11.00 utc.
Radio Balkan International cancelled. Unfortunately the new 500 Watt AM-transmitter is not ready for use. The station is planning to come on air before the summer with regular weekend broadcasts. Later relayed by Cupid Radio on Saturday!
8) RADIO SPACESHUTTLE, Scandinavia - 15.845 MHz - AM+SSB - 200 W
Saturday and Sunday some transmissions between 07:00-16:00 utc on
15845 kHz (or nearby). AM and SSB (changing time to time)
9) FREE RADIO NOVA, Holland 15.070 MHz - AM
Sunday 1.4.2012 starting at 08.00 utc.
10) MIKE RADIO, Holland - around 21.500 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. 21.500 or 21.850 MHz.
Antenna tower still down for the winter.
XX) RADIO BLACK ARROW, Holland - 21.490 MHz - AM
Transmitter broken week ago - Possibly not on air
11) RADIO FOX 48, Scandinavia - about 15.092 MHz - USB - 300 W
Saturday 14.00 - 16.00 utc.
12) CUPID RADIO, Holland - 21.460 MHz (or 15.065 MHz) - AM
On air with "Sunday DX-special". Later exact times.
13) MUSTANG RADIO, Holland - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 50 W
Again new participant! More info later!!
14) RADIO LATINO, South Europe - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz -
26.100 - 26.200 MHz - AM - 40 W
Salsa mix-programme (30 min) on early morning on Saturday and Monday
at 06.30 - 07.00 and 07.30 - 08.00 utc! Progamme will continue longer if possible.
-26.100 - 26.200 MHz (in the morning, if propagation helps)
-15.000 - 15.100 MHz (in the evening, if morning propagation is bad)
More info and realtime-info on the web-page:
15) RADIO UNDERGROUND, England - 15.000-15.100 MHz -USB - 80 W
More exact frequency and times later, also 21 MHz is possible.
16) FREE RADIO VICTORIA, Holland - 21.880 MHz - AM- 50 Watts
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 08:00 ..... 10:00 UTC on the Dipole intend for Scandinavia and the Mediterranean Sea.
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 11:00 ..... 13:00 UTC on the Vertical ant. intend for overseas country,s .
17) RADIO TROPIQ, Central Europe - Many frequencies - AM 50 W / LSB - 80 W
North America
18) Radio True North - 15.460 MHz (200 W) or 21.850 MHz (40 W)- AM
On air from 14.00 - 23.00 utc.
Also possibly on air on 6.925 or 6.950 MHz around at 02.00 utc
19) COOL AM RADIO, Holland - 10 Watts mobile - 6925 or 6940 kHz
This station is NOT HF-station because it uses 42 mb but I
took this in because it is special 10 W mobile!!
PIRATES - ATTENTION! Info of free frequencies can be found here:
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania.
(Please make NO April fool-jokes on Sunday 1.4.2012!!!! :])
Stations!!! Please mail me new frequencies and times in real time! I will update your info immedeately to this blog !
1) RADIO SCOTLAND, Holland- 15.060 MHz - AM - 200 W
Saturdaymorning 08:00 - 10:00 h utc.
Saturday afternoon 14:00 (or 14:15) - 15:00 h utc.
Sundaymorning 09:00 - 11:00 h utc.
Frequency 15.050 - 15.065 MHz, if 15.060 is occupied.
2) TRANS EUROPE RADIO, Holland - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 65 W
Will be active during Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon
on 19 mb.
3) BALTIC SEA RADIO, Scandinavia - 21.485 MHz - USB - 80/150 W W
On Saturday starting 08.00 and again 13.00 utc
On Sunday starting at 09.00 utc.
X) RADIO BORDERHUNTER, Holland - around /15 MHz/ 21.5 MHz - AM
Radio Borderhunter cancelled broadcasts for this weekend. Big transmitter is broken. Borderhunter has participated to all HF-Weekends during the years.
x) OLD TIME RADIO, Scandinavia - 15.009 MHz - AM - 50 W
Short test was planned but cancelled for this weekend.
5) RADIO BLACK BIRD, Holland - 19 mb - AM
No frequency or time information yet.
6) WR INTERNATIONAL, England - 12.257 MHz - AM - 35 W
WR is on the air every Sunday from 08.00 - 11.00 utc.
Radio Balkan International cancelled. Unfortunately the new 500 Watt AM-transmitter is not ready for use. The station is planning to come on air before the summer with regular weekend broadcasts. Later relayed by Cupid Radio on Saturday!
8) RADIO SPACESHUTTLE, Scandinavia - 15.845 MHz - AM+SSB - 200 W
Saturday and Sunday some transmissions between 07:00-16:00 utc on
15845 kHz (or nearby). AM and SSB (changing time to time)
9) FREE RADIO NOVA, Holland 15.070 MHz - AM
Sunday 1.4.2012 starting at 08.00 utc.
10) MIKE RADIO, Holland - around 21.500 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. 21.500 or 21.850 MHz.
Antenna tower still down for the winter.
XX) RADIO BLACK ARROW, Holland - 21.490 MHz - AM
Transmitter broken week ago - Possibly not on air
11) RADIO FOX 48, Scandinavia - about 15.092 MHz - USB - 300 W
Saturday 14.00 - 16.00 utc.
12) CUPID RADIO, Holland - 21.460 MHz (or 15.065 MHz) - AM
On air with "Sunday DX-special". Later exact times.
13) MUSTANG RADIO, Holland - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 50 W
Again new participant! More info later!!
14) RADIO LATINO, South Europe - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz -
26.100 - 26.200 MHz - AM - 40 W
Salsa mix-programme (30 min) on early morning on Saturday and Monday
at 06.30 - 07.00 and 07.30 - 08.00 utc! Progamme will continue longer if possible.
-26.100 - 26.200 MHz (in the morning, if propagation helps)
-15.000 - 15.100 MHz (in the evening, if morning propagation is bad)
More info and realtime-info on the web-page:
15) RADIO UNDERGROUND, England - 15.000-15.100 MHz -USB - 80 W
More exact frequency and times later, also 21 MHz is possible.
16) FREE RADIO VICTORIA, Holland - 21.880 MHz - AM- 50 Watts
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 08:00 ..... 10:00 UTC on the Dipole intend for Scandinavia and the Mediterranean Sea.
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 11:00 ..... 13:00 UTC on the Vertical ant. intend for overseas country,s .
17) RADIO TROPIQ, Central Europe - Many frequencies - AM 50 W / LSB - 80 W
15.00 - 15.30 UT 15.050 MHz
15.00 - 15.30 UT 15.050 MHz
16.00 - 16.30 UT 11.450 MHz
18.00 - 18.30 UT 9.950 MHz
Sunday08.00 - 08.30 UT 18.205 MHz
09.00 - 09.30 UT 9.950 MHz
North America
18) Radio True North - 15.460 MHz (200 W) or 21.850 MHz (40 W)- AM
On air from 14.00 - 23.00 utc.
Also possibly on air on 6.925 or 6.950 MHz around at 02.00 utc
19) COOL AM RADIO, Holland - 10 Watts mobile - 6925 or 6940 kHz
This station is NOT HF-station because it uses 42 mb but I
took this in because it is special 10 W mobile!!
PIRATES - ATTENTION! Info of free frequencies can be found here:
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Log 25.3.2012 - 17 HF-stations signed in!
Last Sunday, 25.3.2012, there were several HF-stations on the air on HF-frequencies with very good results!!!
Radio Spaceshuttle informed that the station was received in Japan, India and USA and all around Europe on 15.845 MHz !
Also many HF-stations were received in Finland around 15 MHz. Here is a log taken from Rick's blog (Pirateradioblog) from SW Finland (25.3.-12):
So, it is expected that we will have nice skips during the HF-Weekend 31.3. - 1.4.2012 !!
Now 17 HF-stations signed in so far and it seems there will be even more stations on the air!!
Radio Spaceshuttle informed that the station was received in Japan, India and USA and all around Europe on 15.845 MHz !
Also many HF-stations were received in Finland around 15 MHz. Here is a log taken from Rick's blog (Pirateradioblog) from SW Finland (25.3.-12):
12299,9 | Shoreline Radio | 15.16- | 44322 | E |
15020 | R. Mustang | 10.53- | 45444 | E |
15020,1 | Trans Europe Radio | 14.19- | 45333 | E |
15060,1 | Trans Europe Radio | 17.58- | 44444 | E |
15070,1 | Trans Europe Radio | 10.10- | 45433 | E |
15070,1 | Trans Europe Radio | -14.57* | 43443 | mx |
15070,2 | Cupid Radio | 12.17- | 45433 | E |
15070,3 | Cupid Radio | 09.56- | 45433 | E |
15090,1 | Trans Europe Radio | 10.05- | 43433 | E, QSY to 15070,1 |
15095,8 | unid | 12.09 | 45444 | mx, short test |
15100 | R. Mustang | 14.48- | 45444 | E |
15100,5 | Free Radio Victoria | 11.59- | 35333 | E |
15845USB | R. Spaceshuttle Int. | 11.44-, 12.28- | 25332 | E |
So, it is expected that we will have nice skips during the HF-Weekend 31.3. - 1.4.2012 !!
Now 17 HF-stations signed in so far and it seems there will be even more stations on the air!!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
18 STATIONS on HF-Weekend: 31.3 - 1.4.2012
Hi everybody!
I had several inquiries to move HF-Weekend one week later!!
So, there will be more stations joing in because of this change!
Next Global Pirate HF-Weekend will be 31.3. - 1.4.2012.
I have many stations listed already - and I hope to have more sign'ins as soon as possible!!
(Station-names + country revealed on Friday 30.3.2012)
1) RADIO XXXXXXX - 15.060 MHz - AM - 200 W
Saturdaymorning 08:00 - 10:00 h utc.
Saturday afternoon 14:00 (or 14:15) - 15:00 h utc.
Sundaymorning 09:00 - 11:00 h utc.
Frequency 15.050 - 15.065 MHz, if .060 is occupied.
2) XXXXX XXXXXX RADIO - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 65 W
Will be active during Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon.
Exact frecuencies and schedule later
4) XXX XXXX RADIO - 15.009 MHz - AM - 50 W
Short test on Saturday or Sunday
5) WR International - 12.257 MHz - AM - 35 W
WR is on the air every Sunday from 08.00 - 11.00 utc.
More info later.
7) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXXX, 15.845 MHz - AM+SSB - 200 W
Saturday and Sunday some transmissions between 07:00-16:00utc on
15845 kHz (or nearby). AM and SSB (changing time to time)
8) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXXX -around 12-13 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. More info later.
9) XXXX RADIO XXXX, 15.070 MHz - AM
Sunday 1.4.2012 starting at 08.00 utc.
10) XXXX RADIO, around 21.500 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. Antenna tower still down for the winter.
11) RADIO XXXXX XXXXX, 21.490 MHz - AM
Possibly on air
12) RADIO XXX XX, 15.092 MHz - USB - 300 W
Saturday 14.00 - 16.00 utc.
13) XXXXX RADIO, 21.460 MHz or 15.065 MHz - AM
On air with "Sunday DX-special". Later exact times.
14) XXXXXXX RADIO, 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 50 W
Again new participant! More info later!!
15) XXXX XX RADIO, 10 Watts mobile - 6925 or 6940 kHz
This station is NOT HF-station because it uses 42 mb but I
took this in because it is special 10 W mobile!!
16) RADIO LATINO, South Europe - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz -
26.100 - 26.200 MHz - AM - 40 W
Salsa mix-programme (30 min) on early morning on Saturday and Monday
at 06.30 - 07.00 and 07.30 - 08.00 utc! Progamme will continue longer if possible.
-26.100 - 26.200 MHz (in the morning, if propagation helps)
-15.000 - 15.100 MHz (in the evening, if morning propagation is bad)
More info and realtime-info on the web-page:
17) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXX, 15.000-15.100 MHz -USB - 80 W
More exact frequency and times later, also 21 MHz is possible.
18) XXXX RADIO XXXXXXXX, 21.880 MHz - AM- 50 Watts
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania.
I had several inquiries to move HF-Weekend one week later!!
So, there will be more stations joing in because of this change!
Next Global Pirate HF-Weekend will be 31.3. - 1.4.2012.
I have many stations listed already - and I hope to have more sign'ins as soon as possible!!
(Station-names + country revealed on Friday 30.3.2012)
1) RADIO XXXXXXX - 15.060 MHz - AM - 200 W
Saturdaymorning 08:00 - 10:00 h utc.
Saturday afternoon 14:00 (or 14:15) - 15:00 h utc.
Sundaymorning 09:00 - 11:00 h utc.
Frequency 15.050 - 15.065 MHz, if .060 is occupied.
2) XXXXX XXXXXX RADIO - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 65 W
Will be active during Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon.
Exact frecuencies and schedule later
4) XXX XXXX RADIO - 15.009 MHz - AM - 50 W
Short test on Saturday or Sunday
5) WR International - 12.257 MHz - AM - 35 W
WR is on the air every Sunday from 08.00 - 11.00 utc.
More info later.
7) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXXX, 15.845 MHz - AM+SSB - 200 W
Saturday and Sunday some transmissions between 07:00-16:00utc on
15845 kHz (or nearby). AM and SSB (changing time to time)
8) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXXX -around 12-13 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. More info later.
9) XXXX RADIO XXXX, 15.070 MHz - AM
Sunday 1.4.2012 starting at 08.00 utc.
10) XXXX RADIO, around 21.500 MHz - AM
Not 100 %. Antenna tower still down for the winter.
11) RADIO XXXXX XXXXX, 21.490 MHz - AM
Possibly on air
12) RADIO XXX XX, 15.092 MHz - USB - 300 W
Saturday 14.00 - 16.00 utc.
13) XXXXX RADIO, 21.460 MHz or 15.065 MHz - AM
On air with "Sunday DX-special". Later exact times.
14) XXXXXXX RADIO, 15.000 - 15.100 MHz - AM - 50 W
Again new participant! More info later!!
15) XXXX XX RADIO, 10 Watts mobile - 6925 or 6940 kHz
This station is NOT HF-station because it uses 42 mb but I
took this in because it is special 10 W mobile!!
16) RADIO LATINO, South Europe - 15.000 - 15.100 MHz -
26.100 - 26.200 MHz - AM - 40 W
Salsa mix-programme (30 min) on early morning on Saturday and Monday
at 06.30 - 07.00 and 07.30 - 08.00 utc! Progamme will continue longer if possible.
-26.100 - 26.200 MHz (in the morning, if propagation helps)
-15.000 - 15.100 MHz (in the evening, if morning propagation is bad)
More info and realtime-info on the web-page:
17) RADIO XXXXXXXXXXX, 15.000-15.100 MHz -USB - 80 W
More exact frequency and times later, also 21 MHz is possible.
18) XXXX RADIO XXXXXXXX, 21.880 MHz - AM- 50 Watts
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 08:00 ..... 10:00 UTC on the Dipole intend for Scandinavia and the Mediterranean Sea.
On Sunday 1/4/12 from 11:00 ..... 13:00 UTC on the Vertical ant. intend for overseas country,s .
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Next Global Pirate HF-Weekend 31.3 - 1.4.2012
I'd like to remind all pirate stations and listeners around the world that next HF-Weekend will be Saturday 31.3 >> Sunday 1.4.2012 !
- - - - Pirates - Sign in during the week !!! - - - -
So, again this will be a test-weekend for pirates from all over the world to broadcast on High Frequencies 10 - 28 MHz (mostly on 15-22 MHz) !! Still some time for preparing things.
New pirate Balkan Radio International will start on that weekend with multiband broadcasting!! More info:
Also some pirate stations from North America will join this weekend trying to reach Europe and also Asia/Oceania !!
I just got a message from a listener from Australia who wrote that he will be listening!
I think that the stations should prefere frequencies between 21.450 - 21.550 MHz and 15.000 - 15.100 MHz, but of course anything goes.
SCHEDULE for Saturday 24.3 and Sunday 25.3.2012
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania. NEW!
I hope to have at least 10 stations joining this weekend, also new participants - join now to have some fun with long skips!!
- - - - Pirates - Sign in during the week !!! - - - -
So, again this will be a test-weekend for pirates from all over the world to broadcast on High Frequencies 10 - 28 MHz (mostly on 15-22 MHz) !! Still some time for preparing things.
New pirate Balkan Radio International will start on that weekend with multiband broadcasting!! More info:
Also some pirate stations from North America will join this weekend trying to reach Europe and also Asia/Oceania !!
I just got a message from a listener from Australia who wrote that he will be listening!
I think that the stations should prefere frequencies between 21.450 - 21.550 MHz and 15.000 - 15.100 MHz, but of course anything goes.
SCHEDULE for Saturday 24.3 and Sunday 25.3.2012
1) European MORNING 08.00 - 12.00 UTC from Europe to Asia/Japan/Oceania.
2) European AFTERNOON 12.00 - 16.00 utc from Europe to North America and vice versa.
3) European NIGHT 22.00 - 24.00 UTC from North America to Asia/Oceania. NEW!
I hope to have at least 10 stations joining this weekend, also new participants - join now to have some fun with long skips!!
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Radio Patuljak, Pancevo, Serbia
Here three new transmitter-photos from Serbia: Radio Patuljak from Pancevo (near Belgrade). This is an old pirate since the 70's. The operator built his first tx in the age of 12 and is still on this road!
He is still a pirate using homemade transceiver (two photos) with 110 Watts of power on 1620 - 1800 kHz. He has also linear amplifier with 2 x QB4/1100 tubes giving 1 -1,2 kW output.
The transceiver has 17 tubes: 3 X EL509 (final), 2 XEL84 (output), 2 X ECL82 (AF amp + driver), 2 X EF89 (if amp), 2 X ECF82 (mod + xtal osc/VFO) , 2 X ECC82 (demod./AGC amp/phase inv.), 1 X OA2, 1 X 7360, 1 X ECH81 (tx mixer), EF85.
Impressive work!

He is still a pirate using homemade transceiver (two photos) with 110 Watts of power on 1620 - 1800 kHz. He has also linear amplifier with 2 x QB4/1100 tubes giving 1 -1,2 kW output.
The transceiver has 17 tubes: 3 X EL509 (final), 2 XEL84 (output), 2 X ECL82 (AF amp + driver), 2 X EF89 (if amp), 2 X ECF82 (mod + xtal osc/VFO) , 2 X ECC82 (demod./AGC amp/phase inv.), 1 X OA2, 1 X 7360, 1 X ECH81 (tx mixer), EF85.
Impressive work!

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